Social Magnet Attrazione

Diventa un disinvolto magnete sociale e attrai chiunque in modo brillante e carismatico, padroneggiando l’arte del networking e dell’ingegneria sociale. Trasformati in quella persona speciale, interessante ed irresistibile che ognuno desidera incontrare.

Alla fine della Masterclass sarai in grado di

Prima Settimana

  • Isolamento
  • Tecniche engagement
  • Giochi magia 
  • Giochi mentalismo
  • Test di memoria
  • Calendario

Seconda Settimana

  • Test intelligenza
  • Test cubo
  • Grafologia
  • Lettura scarpa
  • Cold reading
  • Suggestioni ipnotiche 
  • Proiezioni sul futuro
  • Invitation without expectation
  • Shit test 2

Instructor(s): Gianluca Liguori
Lunghezza Masterclass: 12 video lezioni (2 ore 36 minuti)
Categoria: Relazioni, Sales Marketing

Masterclass at work

Trasformati in quella persona speciale


Domande frequenti

Does the tour price include the transfers?

If you are an advanced surfer, you might want to consider hiring a surf guide at a new location or spot. Our tours are customized to meet your specific preferences.

How long the trip take?

If you are an advanced surfer, you might want to consider hiring a surf guide at a new location or spot. Our tours are customized to meet your specific preferences.

Can I get the refund?

If you are an advanced surfer, you might want to consider hiring a surf guide at a new location or spot. Our tours are customized to meet your specific preferences.